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Long Haired Cat Care

September 01, 2024

Does your kitty companion have lengthy hair? While all of our feline pals are adorable, longhaired kitties are extra cute. Fluffy can wear many coat colors and patterns, but she looks especially regal with flowing locks. There aren’t many drawbacks to having a wonderfully cute pet, but you’ll need to aid your furry buddy with her grooming routine. Read on for advice from a local Cedar City, UT veterinarian on how to care for a longhaired cat.

Caring For Fluffy: Basics

Long Haired cats require the same basic care as any other feline. Fluffy will require adequate nutrition, a clean litterbox, a comfortable shelter, and, of course, proper veterinarian care. That will cover the essentials. To get that little motor going, you’ll need to supply love, toys, and lap space. (Catnip, sunbeams, and boxes will also satisfy your feline master and score you some snuggles and purrs.)

The only difference is that Fluffy will require assistance with grooming. Cats are naturally very clean. This is one of the finest aspects of having them, aside from the fact that they are cute, cuddly, fun, and amusing. Your feline friend will take time out of her hectic daily resting schedule to groom herself and keep her coat clean. Long Haired cats may struggle with the beauty care regimen. There’s a lot of fur to keep up with!

Brush your pet regularly without overdoing it. This will not only make things easier for Fluffy, but also for you, as you will not have to deal with cat fur all over the place. You’ll be getting rid of it with a brush before it gets all over your clothes.

How Do You Groom a Long-Haired Cat?

Brushing Fluffy is straightforward, as long as she is willing to participate. You’ll want to wait till your feline companion is relaxed. (Given how much time cats spend napping, this shouldn’t take too long.) If your cat is a lap cat, simply wait until she has draped herself over your lap. Simply start caressing her in the direction of her fur. Then include the brush.

Many cats like getting brushed. It probably recalls Fluffy of when she was younger and her  mama groomed her and her siblings. Bonded kittens frequently groom each other. This is not exclusive to cats; horses, primates, and birds also groom their loved ones. 

Of course, our feline companions are all individuals. Not all kitties enjoy being groomed. You do not want to force it. If your pet only tolerates a few brush strokes at a time, you may need to space those sessions out. You do not want to try to hold her down. That will just make her less inclined to be groomed in the future. It is also a great way to be scratched.

brush your pet’s complete body, not just her back. Long Haired cats frequently get tangled in their ‘armpits’, so your pet may require additional assistance there.

How Often Should You Groom Your Cat?

This will vary slightly. If your cat is exceptionally fluffy, you may wish to brush her every day. Older cats require additional assistance and may need to be brushed more frequently. However, most fluffy cats can be brushed once or twice a week.

Should I Bathe My Cat?

You should not have to bathe your furry pal. However, if you have a kitten, it is a good idea to familiarize little Fluffy with the process. That way, you’ll both have an easier time if something gets stuck in her fur.

There are a few caveats. (Maybe we should say catveats.) The most important thing is not to bathe your pet too often. This would remove the natural oils from her skin and fur, and could leave her looking dry and frizzy. Furthermore, it could irritate her skin.

It’s also critical to use the appropriate products and practices. Get a mild shampoo formulated just for cats. Ones designed for humans are just too strong. Also, always use lukewarm, not hot, water. Finally, take care not to get suds into your cat’s eyes, ears, nose, or mouth. You can rinse her off with a pitcher. Or simply use a face cloth to clean your cat’s head.

Another thing to remember? Never bathe a matted cat. That will just worsen the situation!

How Do I Remove Mats?

Fluffy cats frequently develop mats. Older cats are more prone to them than young ones. There are several explanations for this. For starters, as your pet ages, she will have a tougher time bending and stretching. Furthermore, older cats’ skin may produce more oil than younger kitties’ does. This can also result in matting.

However, mats can occasionally indicate medical concerns. Consult your veterinarian if your kitty is getting a lot of mats.

If you notice a mat on your cat, carefully remove it. You do not want to pull too hard. Cats’ skin is sensitive and easily ripped. As for the mat, begin at the end. You might wish to apply a detangling spray on it. We would consider purchasing a specialized mat-removing comb.

Severe matting may require shaving. You might be able to get a little one, but large ones would necessitate contacting your vet or groomer. When cutting mats, proceed with extreme caution. Be very gentle! It’s easy to accidentally cut your feline pal! Reassure your cat by caressing her and even giving her a treat.

Sometimes bad mats may need to be shaves. This sometimes happens when cats get too elderly or sick to care for their fur. Chubby cats struggle to bend and stretch enough to reach their entire bodies.

This is not something you should try at home. Contact your veterinarian or groomer. Fluffy hair may only require a trim.

Do Long Haired Kitties Get More Hairballs? 

Hairballs are a terrible side consequence of Fluffy’s best quality: cleanliness. When washing herself, your furry little diva will almost certainly ingest some of her own fur. Cats cannot digest their own fur, unfortunately. We won’t go into detail about what happens next, except to suggest that it isn’t the best thing of having a cat.

Hairballs are more than simply an unpleasant annoyance. They can actually be dangerous. Sometimes cats are unable to get rid of hairballs in the typical way. If the hairball becomes caught in Fluffy’s digestive tract, it could cause a blockage, which is both painful and dangerous. This is another reason it is critical to groom longhaired cats. If your cute pet gets a lot of hairballs, ask your vet to recommend a preventative product.

Also, make sure your kitty companion is well-nourished and has access to fresh water at all times. If your pet appears to be getting a lot of hairballs, consult your Cedar City, UT veterinarian.

What Are Some Types of Long Haired Cats?

The International Cat Association now recognizes 73 cat breeds. We think they’re all adorable.

Here are some of the floofers in the list:

  • Maine Coon
  • Norwegian Forest Cat
  • Birman
  • Persian cat
  • Himalayan
  • Siberian 
  • Ragdoll
  • Turkish Angora 
  • Balinese
  • Turkish Van
  • British Longhair
  • Persian

Of course, there are plenty of fluffy cross breed cats out there, as well as those with medium fur.

Book An Appointment At Our Cedar City, UT Pet Clinic

Have you got any queries about caring for a longhaired cat? Contact your Cedar City, UT veterinary clinic now!

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533 North Airport Road
Cedar City, UT 84720
t: (435) 586-3400
Also serving Southern Utah, UT and surrounding areas. 

Opening Hours:
Mon – Thur: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 9AM – 1PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed