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Proper Guinea Pig Cage Setup

July 01, 2024

Did you know that America is possibly the country with the most pet Guinea pigs? According to AVMA research carried out in 2022, over 1.5 million US homes own cavies. Of course, these tiny fellas are really sociable and ought to never be without housemates. Most of these families, hopefully, have more than one. This means that there could be as many as 3.8 million Guinea pigs in the US. Guinea pigs are cute and low-maintenance. In reality, supplying your cute pet with a great cage is often half the battle. In this post, a local Cedar City, UT veterinarian answers some common questions about Guinea pig cage arrangements.

Where Should I Place A Guinea Pig Cage?

The old adage, “location, location, location,” really applies here. Finding the right location is crucial to your pet’s comfort, health, and happiness!

There are a few dos and don’ts to consider. You do not want to set your pet’s cage in direct sunlight, a drafty area, or anywhere too loud or busy. Guinea pigs are relatively small and quickly startled. Of course, your pets will be unhappy if they are too isolated. A quiet setting, such as a corner of a family room, is usually a good bet.

The temperature is another thing to think about. Guinea pigs do not tolerate extreme temperatures and prefer temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Finally, think about your other pets. If you have a dog or a cat, you may want to place the cage on a sturdy table or something similar to keep Fido and Fluffy out. Understandably, a tiny ball of fur may be terrified to see your canine or feline companion staring down at them!

For further information on how to care for your Guinea pig, consult with your Cedar City, UT veterinarian. We are happy to help!

What Is The Perfect Cage Size For A Guinea Pig?

This ultimately depends on the number of guinea pigs you desire. The Humane Society provides official guidelines that serve as a good benchmark. A minimum of 7.5 square feet is recommended for each Guinea pig. However, as mentioned above, you should never keep only one Guinea pig. 10.5 square feet is a far better minimum for two. It would take at least 13 square feet to house three furballs. The minimum required size for four is 16 square feet.

Are Multiple-Level Cages Good For Guinea Pigs?

For your cavies, you can get a multi-level cage, but make sure it keeps them from escaping. It should include a covered ramp that is safe and easy for your pet to climb, with no gaps or openings on the upper levels where your pet could fall. This is crucial since these guys have reduced vision and can quickly fall.

Can You Let Guinea Pigs Run Around Your House?

Living in a cage can be tiresome for a busy little ball of fur. Your cute pets will both enjoy and benefit from spending time outside their cage each day. This is also a fantastic opportunity to play and bond with your pint-sized pals.

Just make sure everything is petproof before letting your tiny pals out to play. Guinea pigs have open-rooted teeth and will munch on everything within reach of their little paws. This can be perilous because many common household products are harmful to these creatures. Some items are toxic to pets, while others can strangle or cause internal damage.

Here are some issues to address:

Toxic Plants: Many home plants are toxic to pets. This list includes many popular plants, such as the lily, daffodil, oleander, tulips, amaryllis, sago palm aloe, cyclamen, rhododendron, begonia, chrysanthemum, lily of the valley. Autumn crocus, azalea, ivy, holly, and hyacinth, to name just a few.

For more information on safe and harmful plants, consult your Cedar City, UT veterinarian.

Dangerous Spaces: You’ll also need to close gaps behind and beneath furniture and cupboards. Other potential hazards include stairs, stoves, pools, and places beneath recliners. Also, ensure that all vents are closed and that doors, screens, and windows are safe and escape-proof.

Small/Sharp Objects: This group includes pens, safety pins, paper clips, small toys, rubber bands, jewelry, and fishing gear.

Ropes/Cords: Small animals are easily caught in rope, string, or cord. Do not ignore drape cords or blanket or pillow tassels.

Chemicals: Keep any potentially toxic items out of the reach of those cute paws. Cleaning agents, medications, drain openers, paint, pesticides, and automated equipment are examples of such products.

Ask your vet for more tips on petproofing.

What Types of Cages Are Bad for Guinea Pigs?

Although there is a wide selection of cages available in both physical and online stores, this does not necessarily mean that they are all safe or suitable for your companion. We caution against using plastic storage bins. Glass cages are also not a great solution. Anything with mesh or wire flooring is also hazardous. These types of flooring do not hold the substrate in place and can result in significant injuries. For more information, contact your Cedar City, UT veterinarian.

What Type of Bedding Do Guinea Pigs Need?

Bedding is one of the most important choices you will make. Dirty bedding not only stinks, but it also carries bacteria, increasing the risk of your pet developing respiratory and fungal infections. You want a substance that absorbs moisture, dries rapidly, and removes odors. It must, of course, be nontoxic.

Avoid bedding made of wood or paper. Pine and cedar products are particularly dangerous since their oils can cause respiratory problems for small animals. Fleece is a good option. Another thing you could try? Beach towels! These are also practical because they are washable and simple to replace. They also come in a range of bright colors, which make the cage more enticing to your cat. You may also place a pad below to make it softer. Use a product created specifically for pets to guarantee that it is not toxic or otherwise hazardous.

Keeping your pets’ cage clean is also important. We recommend  spot cleaning daily. This includes taking out waste and uneaten food, as well as replacing soiled hay and padding. Once a week, do a more thorough cleaning that involves washing dishes, replacing bedding and litter, and wiping down the cage. For further information, contact your veterinarian.

How Can I Make My Pet’s Cage More Fun?

You might assume pets don’t get bored. That actually isn’t the case at all. Pets, like us, can become melancholy and unhappy if they lack stimulation and enrichment. This can surely affect your pet’s health and well-being. You need to include some safe, fun toys and accessories.

Chew toys are required. These tiny furballs must chew a lot to keep their teeth healthy! However, you can build a lot of these yourself. Cozies and exercise wheels may also appeal to your pet. Just get solid wheels; wire wheels are unsafe. Contact your veterinarian for further information.

You may also keep things interesting for your pet by rotating his or her stuff on a regular basis and rearranging their cage. Everybody needs a change now and again!

Make An Appointment At Our Cedar City, UT Pet Clinic

Do you have any questions about caring for Guinea pigs? Contact your Cedar City, UT pet hospital now! We provide high-quality veterinary care for all patients, including the smallest ones!

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Cedar City, UT 84720
t: (435) 586-3400
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